Sitemap - 2020 - The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper! Podcast

V.145 The Half - Assed Whole Year End Round Up On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.144 Eye - Ache My Ass, UFC FN 183 + Holiday CHEER On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.143 UFC 256, Crap Commentary + Telling Friends From Foes On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomp

V.142 Systems, Business, Blood + The UFC ESPN 19 On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.141: Crime, the Mist & a Smattering of Fights on The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.140 The Nature Of Evil, Plus UFC 255 On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 139 Prostitution, UFC FN 182 + More On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.138 Reasons To Be Cheerful Plus Team Old Guy Rules! On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.137: The Tears of Uriah Hall + The Bald One's Fat Fingers On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.136 We Always Knew You Would Fail. Just Not So Spectacularly. UFC 254 On The Show Stomper!

V.135 Who Picked The Winners This Week The #1 Vegas Handicapper Me. On The Show Stomper!

V.134 MMA's Sacrificial Crisis As We Go, So Goes It All ON The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper

V.133 Weidman, P. Diddy Fellatio Tale, Holly + EPO + More On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stompe

V.132 UFC 253 + The Geometry Of Gyno On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 131: UFC FN 178 + Pushing the Big Red Button On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.130 It's 10PM. Do You Know Where McRapist Is? Plus More, On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stom

V.129: UFC FN 176 + Why Extremists Like Me ALL On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.128 In Defense Of Dana White, The Dick, All On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 127 When The Dead Stroll Through The Mist On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.126 UFC 252 + The Weird Feeling The Day After On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.125 Wild, Wild World Of Weidman + The Anatomy Of A Screw On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomp

V.124 Goodbye To Fight Island, COVID, Pascal's Wager + More On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stom

V. 123: More Killer Robots, DOOM + a Week on Yas Island All On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 122 The Anatomy Of A Highway Robbery On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 121 Sex, Fight Island, COVID Craziness + More On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.120 Jesus Christ, The UFC And Everything In Between On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 119: MMA, UFC, BLM + the Tangled Webs They Weave On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.118 First Race. Now Racism! Plus A Little MMA On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 117: RACE...On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.116 RIOT...The Ultimate High! On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.115: Murder He Wrote? Dictators, the UFC + You All on the Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.114 - How Bad Was It? 3 Nights, 3 Fights - A Recap on The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.113: UFC 249 + Precisely All the Horror It Encapsulates On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 112 UFC 249, Pandemic Politics + Pandemic Gardens On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.111: Antisemitism + Secret Islands All On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper

V.110 Isolation, Desolation, Salvation Maybe On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.109 The Limitations Of Power + Limitless Power On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 108 The SEXY World Of DANA WHITE + More On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 107 All Joney Boney Joney, All The Time On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 106 Quarantine Madness, Class + MMA On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

The REAL V.105 COVID - 19, Death, Race + MMA All On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V.104 It Was The Best Of Fights. It Was The Worst Of Fights On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 103 South Carolina Suckers, UFC Love + More On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 102: Bad Things, UFC, Boxing All On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 101 Rio Rancho, $30 Mil + Pogroms All On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 100: Angry? Confused? Well, You've Come To The Right Place On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stom

The REAL V.99 When Sexual Politic Goes Bad ON The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 98 The Lost Battalion Never Sleeps On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!

V. 96 The Sticky Wicket Of The UFC, Rape + Conor McGregor On The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stompe

V.95 The New Year Kick Off On Evil + The Eugene S. Robinson Show Stomper!